Would you like to make your life easier? Are you tired of having a cluttered home and are you feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks that need doing? Would you like to know the secret to why professional organisers always seem to have a tidy home?
I have the answer for you! Do these 5 jobs daily and you will see a massive improvement in your life!
1: Unpack and pack the dishwasher or wash up your dishes by hand every day. Yes of course you can leave one glass or mug in the evening on the kitchen counter, but don’t leave a whole sink full of dishes to do the next day. It will take you far more time since the old food will be stuck to the plates. At the end of the day after dinner sort out your kitchen sink so you can start fresh in the morning.
2: Empty your indoor recycling bin every day into your recycling bins outside. There is nothing more annoying than overflowing bins where you can’t put stuff into. Also, regularly check kitchen, bathroom and bedroom bins to stop them overflowing.
3: Do a load of laundry every day, instead of saving it up and having to do 5 loads of laundry over the weekend. Before you leave the house to go to work or school in the morning fill your washing machine and turn it on. When you get back in the house take 10 minutes to hang it up. You can even decide to do towels every Wednesday and bedding every Friday and do a dark load on Monday and Thursday and a white load on Tuesday. My clients have seen a big improvement in their daily lives by doing a daily load of laundry.
4: Decide in the morning what you will have for dinner in the evening, instead of leaving that decision till right before dinner. You will still have time to defrost something from the freezer or buy a forgotten item that day instead of having to sort this out when everyone’s hungry. It will help if you do a weekly shop (on a Saturday for example) and decide on meals for the whole week.
5: Open your mail daily! Everything that comes through your door needs to be dealt with straight away. Is it to recycle, shred or keep? If it is to keep does it need to be filed or put into the to do tray? Do this action daily and you will no longer have stacks of unopened post lying around.
If you set aside 30 minutes every day to do these jobs I’m certain your life will get so much easier! If you need helping getting started feel free to contact me. I help people all over SE London, Central London,Kent and Essex to a more organised life!