by admin | Mar 2, 2017 | Decluttering, Decluttering & You, Home organising, Spring organising
Would you like to make your life easier? Are you tired of having a cluttered home and are you feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks that need doing? Would you like to know the secret to why professional organisers always seem to have a tidy home? I have the answer for...
by admin | Apr 27, 2015 | Spring organising
Spring is such a lovely time of year! The trees are full of leaves, the grass is green and the flowers are in bloom. The days are getting longer, the temperature goes up and we are spending more time outdoors. It’s time to get organised in the garden, so you can enjoy...
by admin | Apr 2, 2015 | Spring organising
Here in the UK we are enjoying a 2-week break for Easter. Every year I do several organising projects in these 2 weeks. Of course I have lovely days out with my kids, we see friends, we visit our family, but apart from all the fun stuff there is still enough time to...